Improving HPV Vaccination Coverage

I live in Los Angeles, so this page is somewhat Los Angeles-centric, but many of the ideas are universal.

National Efforts

See Accelerating HPV Vaccine Uptake: Urgency for Action to Prevent Cancer (President's Cancer Panel - 2012/2013 report)

How well is Los Angeles vaccinated against HPV?

The County of Los Angeles Public Health department's Immunization Program estimates that, in 2009, 63.5% of 13-17 year old females in Los Angeles had received one shot, and 30.9% had received all three shots.

By comparison, they report that 58.3% of kids aged 13-17 had gotten the Tdap shot required for 7th grade starting in 2010. (The more recent 7th Grade Asseessment for 2012-2013 from the state says Los Angeles schools reached 97.85% on Tdap, so evidently mandating a vaccination is quite effective.)

Nationally, "Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescent Girls, 2007-2012" reported

"The 2012 NIS-Teen shows that 84% of unvaccinated girls had a health-care encounter where another vaccine was administered. Had the 3-dose HPV series been initiated at these visits, coverage for ≥1 dose could be as high as 92.6%. ... In 2012, only 53.8% of girls had received ≥1 dose of HPV vaccine, and only 33.4% had received all 3 doses of the series."

What are the barriers to good vaccine uptake?

Who provides immunizations in Los Angeles?

What is being done to increase vaccination coverage?

Possible opportunities

Related pages

Corrections and suggestions welcome, please send them to dank at kegel com.

Copyright 2013, 2014 Dan Kegel
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